My Origin Story - Lynn Beckett.

It was the best of times; I was the worst of times.  

Before I knew the answers, my answers, were going to be coming from inside me.  This statement was true of my life.

While it appeared, I had a wonderful, fulfilling, happy, loved filled life.  On the inside I was dying a slow and painful death.

I woke up one day and began to see my marriage of almost thirty years was failing me miserably.  My three boys had become three men.  My body was falling apart.  My soul was dark and wounded.  I had to make some changes.  But what kept coming to me seemed impossible.  How could I possibly do it?  How do I put myself first?  How do I change old patterns of co-dependency and unworthiness?  Where did my joy go?  Did I ever have any?  Will I find joy?

I left!  I left my marriage.  I did not physically go far.  I had to remove myself emotionally to survive.  It seemed impossible.  But I did it.  And I cried and I sobbed and struggled.  I got help.  I lived differently.  It was all new and scary.  I just kept breathing and moving forward.

There was a song by Rascal Flats which became my anthem.  I’M MOVING ON!  I played it all the time.  I sang it to myself out loud.  There are two lines that stood out like flashing bright neon signs to me.  The first one was, “But I never dreamed home would end up where I don’t belong”.  And the second was, “At last I can see life has been patiently waiting for me”.  I might not have known what was true for me or who I was now, or where I was heading.  But I did understand the lines of this song were simultaneously breaking my sad heart open and swiftly shattering my old conditioning self and tearing my old perceptions and patterns apart.  It was so damn painful.  And, I was afraid.

It was like being the chrysalis.  There was nothing of the old me left.  I was the formless, timeless premortal ooze.  Who was I?  

I found myself hungry, starving, craving.  My soul stirring.  I could not get enough knowledge about the metaphysical world and the magic of the realms I could not see.

I met God!  I met me! I studied with Jesus in the Course in Miracles.  I ventured in a world where Florence Shin, Eckart Tolle, Matt Kahn, Deepak Chopra, Ernest Holmes, Jesse Jennings, Buddha, Mahammad, Native Americans, the Dalai Lama, Ram Dass, Don Miguel Ruiz, Thich Nhat Hanh, Byron Katie, Ester Hicks, and many, many others dwell.  

I was home again.  And now home included this moment. I was continually becoming.  Nothing static here.  Flow and abundance and gratitude graced me with their presences.  I had the richness of allowing myself the space to breath and I witnessed a world with layers upon layers of oneness.  And I set about finding others who wanted to live here too.  

I was born a female.  I am a woman.  I understand the incredible power this statement has.  A woman in her power can heal with a touch of her hand.  She will move mountains for those she loves.  She can stand up to nations and make changes.  She gives life.  She is the nurture for that life.  She can cradle the dying and comfort souls.  Her leadership comes from her heart and transforms everything.  I am not saying men cannot do these things.  I am saying we can hear as a women. And I honor that in me and you.

As a woman, I have studied our plight.  Misunderstood and burned at the stake for our abilities to heal and reveal.  It has only been in the last 100 years women could vote in American, have credit card, buy their own homes.  We are considered weaker and we are undervalued by our culture today.  We will never be equal to men...Because we are different.  What is important to them, though many of us gals have taken on their attributes, is not the feminine way.  

While we walk on the foundation of many great and formidable women who have paved the way, there is still work to be done.

I champion women to come home to themselves.  To first honor, respect and adore themselves.  This our power.  We are divinely coded with DNA…light…. Holy Light.  There is no one like you on earth.  You are a blessing to the world.  You are the one you are waiting on.

I am aspired to work with women who want to open their hearts.  Women who know their value.  Women inspire me to be a better version of myself.  I have hope for humanity. The feminine dwells in every boy, girl, man, and woman.  She can change our world.  Her soft gentleness is needed in our world today.  

We can let her out.  Let her heart guide and inspire a deep abiding love for each other and that which sustains us.    

I live with the Sound of Music.  Because this is my true nature.  It’s the true nature of all humans.  The universe is singing our song to us continually.  I can hear it.  We are all deeply and inequitably connected to each other and our planet.

This is where you come.  It became clear to my soul, that I wanted all to hear what God would sing to me…. How Great Thou Art!  We are, God’s power throughout the universe displayed.  God connects us all.  God’s adventures are right where you and I meet.

If you feel attracted to loving and valuing yourself deeply, we would love to serve you at the Zen Den!


An Ode to Alzheimer’s


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